Saturday 29 July 2017

Dull, bland and boring: Towns band together to become more exciting

BORING: Many visitors have been tickled by the town's name
The small Scottish community of Dull forged ties with Boring, in Oregon US, in 2012.
They were twinned after Dull resident Elizabeth Leighton was cycling around the US state while on holiday and passed the strange settlement.
Tickled by the name she phoned home with the idea about developing ties between the two oddly-named places.
“We heard about it and thought it would be even better if it became Bland, Dull and Boring”
Neil Pokoney
But the two communities have become more interesting after the Australian shire of Bland joined the “League of Extraordinary Communities”.
The stunt has proved successful for the Highland community, which has gone on to become a tourist sensation in its own right after erecting a 10ft sign announcing the Bring partnership in 2013.
Councillor Ian Cambell has even invited the Mayor -read more

Saturday 22 July 2017

10 weird things only British people do with toast

There is no such thing as just eating a piece of toast with a delicious topping such as peanut butter, we like to push the food boundaries, come up with different concoctions and above all find new ways to enjoy the humble food that is toast.
Believe it or not beans on toast, toasties and enthusiastically dipping it into egg yolk aren’t things that other nations do.
Obviously they’re missing out.

1. Toasties

This is a bit like the British version of the beloved American grilled cheese delight, but of course way better.
Nothing brings your tummy delight like a serving of two near burnt cheese, baked beans and red onions toasties, with a side of tomato ketchup.
Simple to make, so fil

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Saturday 1 July 2017

Cult Movie: The Strange World of Gurney Slade a weird and whimsical 60s gem

The Strange World of Gurney Slade
READERS with a taste for the cult in their TV viewing – since you're here, that's probably you, pal – may remember TV Heaven from the early 90s.
Hosted by ageing raconteur Frank Muir, in that fruity old school broadcaster voice of his that sounded as if he was gargling a bag of marbles, it was a series of evenings on Channel 4 that focused in on a specific year each week, bringing together a load of programmes that were popular at the time and even cramming in the relevant TV advertisements from the period as well.
It was a cool, if admittedly cheap idea, and one that threw up all manner of televisual treats to be devoured by cult vultures like me.
Best of all among these often long considered lost gems, for me at least, arrived when 1960 was the year in question and old Frank got his tongue around the title of The Strange World Of Gurney Slade.-read more