Saturday, 26 December 2015
10 weird things you can buy from vending machines
There’s no argument that vending machines are awesome. After all, a machine that will let you buy food and drinks without having to interact with a human being is really where all (or at least most) technology should be headed. Apparently, the very first vending machine was referenced by a first-century Greek mathematician who talked about a machine that dispensed holy water. While we’ve come a long way since then, some of these examples of weird and wonderful vending machines from around the world will make you question whether society’s actually advanced at all.READ MORE -
Saturday, 19 December 2015
Inside the weird world of cryonics
If you travel to the 15th-century monastery town of Sergiyev Posad on the outskirts of Moscow, drive down a couple of dirt roads and take a sharp left after the pink house with a giant hammer-and-sickle flag out front, you’ll see an unassuming green gate with signs warning of a guard dog and 24-hour video surveillance.
Through that gate, you will enter a different world. Inside a large white hangar are two giant vats filled with the brains and bodies of three-dozen humans from nine different countries and a menagerie of pets (cats, dogs and birds). Watching over them is Danila Medvedev, a 35-year-old who believes Russia will soon outpace the US in the world of anti-ageing, biomedicine and the science of living for ever. He is one of the founders of KrioRus, Russia’s first cryonics organisation.
Pale with red hair and a matching ginger beard, Medvedev is the son of a Soviet scientist and grew up reading the science fiction of Arthur C Clarke and Robert Heinlein. He has worked at an investment bank, hosted his own television show and helps run an anti-human-trafficking organisation but his day job is freezing people. Early on he became fascinated by the belief that humans — if cooled to -196C at the time of clinical death — could later be resuscitated at a time when science had -READ MORE -
Sunday, 13 December 2015
Saturday, 12 December 2015
These Christmas traditions from around the globe are truly weird
When you sit down to tuck into your turkey with a silly hat on your head, spare a thought for countries in the world who have to endure even stranger traditions.
In Brazil, children are locked in a room and not let out until the Christmas tree is decorated.
While in Guatemala, instead of having advent calendars to count down to the big day, people banish the devil from their homes by cleaning every dusty corner.
They then pile the rubbish in a heap and burn it, so their houses are free of evil spirits for the big day.
In Palestine, there's a parade featuring bagpipes before the big day while in Japan they neglect turkey in favour of KFC.READ MORE -
Sunday, 6 December 2015
Saturday, 5 December 2015
Carrots, 'duck tape', 'mature stuff' and world peace: Children list the weird and wonderful things they want for Christmas in this year's funniest and most heartfelt letters to Santa
Parents have been sharing snapshots of their children's pleading epistles to the man who lives at the North Pole along with hashtags like #lettertosanta.
Though the heartfelt notes certainly offer some insight into the hottest toys this holiday season, the ones that truly stand out are those that are unexpectedly sweet and unintentionally hysterical.
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Saturday, 28 November 2015
15 weird and quirky Christmas gift ideas
Worry about getting people boring Christmas gifts? Socks, chocolate and earrings are all so passé.
Why not go off-the-wall and get something a bit quirky this Christmas?
We've combed the internet for the weirdest and most unique gifts out there, to truly surprise your friends and family.
Photo: Hasbr
1. A "Companion Pet" robotic cat
o Who doesn't love cats? Hasbro created a robot that they claim feels and behaves like a real feline. They are created for people who are lonely, but also they are probably good for cat-lovers who aren't allowed pets in their accommodation. The robots cost $99.99 (£66.26).READ MORE-, 22 November 2015
Saturday, 21 November 2015
Weird workouts: chessboxing is more than just mind games

Fortunately, training classes are far from intimidating and there were newbies among the attendees. Recreating the rhythm of a real bout, bursts of bag-punching and exercises are interspersed with five-minute rounds of chess.
For someone as unfit as me, the challenge of thinking tactically while not vomiting up my lungs is a novel one, and a series of panicky blunders quickly sees me checkmated. So much for my primary school chess prowess.
But throughout, coach Tim Woolgar provides encouraging tips and instruction. He even compliments me on my right hook, which is by far the manliest thing anyone has ever said about me.
Watch the next match at York Hall, Bethnal Green, on Nov 28, from £21.50. Find out more at
Sunday, 15 November 2015
Sunday, 8 November 2015
Saturday, 7 November 2015
Weird cases that turn up in hospitals
Doctors have warned of the dangers of hair pins, head lice and herbal medicines in a series of unusual cases among patients.
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Man in Germany says he's the COUSIN of Adolf Hitler
Josh Ostrovsky: ‘The internet is like a giant weird orgy’
The internet sensation and now memoirist Josh Ostrovsky, aka the Fat Jew, is 15 minutes late to meet me, which is annoying because he’s actually chatting with a friend right outside this coffee shop window. He’s wearing a hoodie, novelty sunglasses and a gold necklace that reads “Life” in Hebrew. He’s a big man with a shaggy afro which, when he spends time on it, can be manipulated into a kind of unicorn’s horn. Today it’s not a horn. People recognise him. Passersby look impressed. We’re in an area of Brooklyn called Dumbo, and I’m sitting inside the cafe with two of his publicists, who insist on being present throughout the interview. It is all weirdly corporate, given that Ostrovsky’s an Instagram comedian; but last March, Time magazine named him one of the “30 most influential people on the internet”.
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He started out as an entertainment reporter and a member of the rap group Team Facelift, but since 2013 Ostrovsky has become increasingly famous for his vastly successful memes and viral videos. On Instagram, as @thefatjewish, he has 6.4 million followers. Fans include Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Kanye West and millions of teenagers. Consequently, as Time explained, “brands have started to pay him for exposure to that audience”; these brands include Stella Artois, Burger King, Apple and Budweiser. Some of his videos are perceptive and funny: for example,READ MORE-
Sunday, 1 November 2015
Saturday, 31 October 2015
26 weird and wonderful facts -- Rugby World Cup final in numbers
It has taken 179 meetings between New Zealand and Australia -- the most-played match in international rugby union history -- before one of them was a World Cup final.
Given that between them they've been in six of the seven previous finals, it remains something of an oddity that they've not previously coincided there.
Three times -- in 1991, 2003 and 2011 -- they ran into each other in the semi-finals. On two other occasions, 1987 and 1999, a meeting was expected but one of them failed to make the appointment, in each case losing a semi-final to France.
Australia went down in the quarter-finals to England in 1995, but the real odd one out is 2007. Both fell on the same day in the quarter-finals, paving the way -READ MORE-
Saturday, 24 October 2015
The Haunting of Meatloaf Is Exactly As Weird As It Sounds
This week the Lifetime Movie Network show The Haunting Of achieved utter weirdness with its spotlight on Meatloaf.
To be clear, that’s Meatloaf, the singer and actor of Rocky Horror Picture Showand Fight Club fame, not meatloaf, the thing your grandma makes for dinner when you visit her on Sundays. The Haunting Of shows “psychic medium” Kim Russo running interference between the spirit world and celebrities (and, more often, “celebrities” ... lookin’ at you, Tom Green). And this time, it was Meatloaf’s turn.
According to the show, Meatloaf (who insists that Kim Russo call him “Meat,” because everybody does) had a supernatural experience while recording his -READ MORE-
Saturday, 17 October 2015
The Really Weird Thing About Movie Premieres That Take Place In Japan
Thanks to things like the internet, the world is becoming a much closer
global community. We’re exposed to different cultures every day and we
get a new understanding of different peoples and how their traditions
differ from our own. Turns out some countries are weird, and movie premieres are very unusual.
Jurassic World’s Nick Robinson spoke to ScreenRant recently and he happened to mention his experience at the Japanese premier of the film. It turns out that movie fans don’t react to movie stars the same way there that they do here. He said:
So the limo pulls up, you get out with a big smile for your fans, and you can hear a pin drop. And everybody’s waving at you. Honestly, the entire thing sounds more than a little creepy. I’ve never walked down the red carpet at a movie premier, but the idea of being surrounded by crowds of people waving at you while remaining utterly silent sounds like something out of a horror movie. I’ a-READ MORE-
Jurassic World’s Nick Robinson spoke to ScreenRant recently and he happened to mention his experience at the Japanese premier of the film. It turns out that movie fans don’t react to movie stars the same way there that they do here. He said: [in the USA] you go to the movie premiere and people are screaming. There [in japan] it is dead silence..[but] everyone just waves at you. It’s crazy. It’s unlike anything I have experienced in my… life.
So the limo pulls up, you get out with a big smile for your fans, and you can hear a pin drop. And everybody’s waving at you. Honestly, the entire thing sounds more than a little creepy. I’ve never walked down the red carpet at a movie premier, but the idea of being surrounded by crowds of people waving at you while remaining utterly silent sounds like something out of a horror movie. I’ a-READ MORE-
Saturday, 10 October 2015
Something Weird Is Happening With Placebos in America

Americans like their placebos. (Image via AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File)
this one out: The fake drugs we know as placebos seem to be getting
more and more effective in the US. That strange finding comes out of a
new analysis in the journal Pain, which looked at medical studies going back to 1990.
turns out that people who take placebos in studies today experience a
30 percent decrease in pain levels, a decrease that has dramatically
increased from nearly a quarter century ago, say researchers out of
McGill University in a press release.
scientists theorize that people today have higher expectations about
drugs, and when they’re participating in a big, fancy study — studies
Saturday, 3 October 2015
Scientists are sharing weird animal sex facts on Twitter
Remember #JunkOff, the hashtag that had scientists sharing
animal genitals all over Twitter? Now there's a hashtag to celebrate all
manner of weird animal sex. Because the equipment isn't always the
weirdest part.
Here are our favorite submissions to #HumpOff. If you're looking for more fun science, check out the Real Scientists Twitter account. Every week it's curated by a different scientist. #HumpOff was dreamed up by this week's curator, evolutionary biologist Tom Houslay.READ MORE
Here are our favorite submissions to #HumpOff. If you're looking for more fun science, check out the Real Scientists Twitter account. Every week it's curated by a different scientist. #HumpOff was dreamed up by this week's curator, evolutionary biologist Tom Houslay.READ MORE
Saturday, 26 September 2015
World of Weird, Channel 4: Documentary investigates Bronies, families for hire, and a man with 39 wives
READ MOREIt’s a big world out there – any that’s plenty of space for all kinds of weird and wonderful lifestyles to be practiced across the globe.
In a one-hour special titled World of Weird, Channel 4 sent a variety of journalists to investigate the brilliant and the bizarre – everything from Bronies (obsessive adult male fans of My Little Pony), to apocalypse-ready ‘doomsday preppers’ in America, to a man in remote India with 39 wives and 94 children.
You can hardly accuse World of Weird of lacking variety. In its opening segment, it follows a Texan couple who have a pet, er, buffalo. He’s called Wild Thing, and he wanders freely around the house, occasionally destroying bits of furniture and his outdoor fences.
Boeing Just Patented This Weird Cargo-Grabbing Plane
Cargo containers are as universal as trade itself, finding their way onto trucks, freight trains, and ocean-going vessels. Their uniform, boxy shape and sharp edges make them instantly stackable, but not terribly aerodynamic. For transport by air, that usually means fitting square pegs into round planes. A new plane design by Boeing, granted a patent this week, could change that. Instead of slotting cargo containers into a round tube, the Boeing plane would line them up longwise in a neat row, then lower its aerodynamic body on top. Here’s what that looks like:

Saturday, 19 September 2015
Ten Legitimately Weird Things You Should Probably Know About Your Vagina...Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month..
It's Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month, yo. You probably already
know that your vagina is an amazing thing. It brings pleasure, periods,
and can even bring another tiny human into the world. That’s crazy,
right? Crazy it may be, but these are well known titbits of trivia. What
about the weird stuff? Because when it comes to that warm, dark space
between your pins, there’s always something new you can learn. We speak
to The Eve Appeal, who helped to give us the lowdown on the female
1. It’s impossible to lose anything in your vagina
thank God, right?! Think of your vagina like a sock. Not only is a sock
also something that men put their penis in, but that’s the actual shape of your vagina.
Like a sock! It has an opening and a closed bit that keeps everything
from getting lost forever. Before puberty the uterus is about 3.5
centimetres in length, with an average thickness of around 1cm. After
puberty it will change to around 7.6 centimetres, with a thickness of
3cm. What all this means is that no matter the length and thickness of
your nethers, your uterus will always be too small for anything to go
through it, unless you’re giving birth obvs.
2. What do vaginas and sharks have in common?
Saturday, 5 September 2015
10 pieces of weird DJ merchandise you can currently buy
10 Skrillex socks
For anyone whose sock drawer doesn't mysteriously re-stock itself once a
year maybe this isn't such a strange item, but there is something
peculiar about purchasing socks from a DJ rather than skipping to the
local M&S when all yours have got holes in. Of all things to
purchase with your favourite artist's logo emblazoned across it, amongst
t-shirts, hoodies and caps, this might just be a little too subtle for
our tastes.READ MORE -
Saturday, 22 August 2015
Weird noises emerge from a Frankenstein cassette-tape keyboard
Of course everyone knows what a Mellotron is (no, everyone doesn't), but allow us to briefly explain anyway. The Mellotron is a keyboard hooked up to analog tape -- press a key and the instrument plays a corresponding section of sound on the tape. It's the original sampler, popularized by the Beatles, the Moody Blues and a handful of other bands in the 1960s and '70s. And now, it's back with a modern twist. The Crudman, from Brooklyn's Crudlabs, isn't exactly a Mellotron, but it operates similarly by connecting a keyboard to a hacked Walkman. Users can even chain together a few Crudman units for polyphonic sounds. You could even call them polyphonic sprees, if you're feeling saucy.
Despite the similarities to the Mellotron, Crudlabs wants to make it clear that the Crudman is not a Mellotron. "It is a monophonic, tape-based instrument designed around a single cassette Walkman," the Crudlabs site says. "No, it is not designed to replace a Mellotron and it does not sound like a Mellotron. It's its own thing which has its own unique sound and features. It is a new instrument and a tool to find new and interesting musical and atonal sounds using the unique lo-fi characteristics of cassette tapes."
As for those unique sounds, hear for yourself below.READ MORE -
Saturday, 15 August 2015
Sometimes, in the middle of a hearty game of football, a player needs a quick snack to perk up his energy levels.
However, snacks are expensive. Consequently, it makes more sense to simply design a kit that looks like a snack - then the player can just munch on that. That might well be the reasoning behind CD Guijuelo's new away kit - a strip modelled on delicious ham.
The club is based is in Salamanca, an area of Spain known for it's tasty jamón iberico - that might also have something to do with it. That doesn't mean it isn't still pretty bizarre.
Still, as strange football kits go, this isn't the worst we've seen. Plus it's making us hungry for ham, which is sort of nice in it's own way.READ MORE
However, snacks are expensive. Consequently, it makes more sense to simply design a kit that looks like a snack - then the player can just munch on that. That might well be the reasoning behind CD Guijuelo's new away kit - a strip modelled on delicious ham.
The club is based is in Salamanca, an area of Spain known for it's tasty jamón iberico - that might also have something to do with it. That doesn't mean it isn't still pretty bizarre.
Still, as strange football kits go, this isn't the worst we've seen. Plus it's making us hungry for ham, which is sort of nice in it's own way.READ MORE
Obtaining eternal life is a mainstay on humankind’s bucket list, though doing so would obviously negate the idea of a bucket list altogether. We’ve been at it for millennia, and while we can be pretty pleased with the role of modern medicine in steadily increasing our lifespans, we’re yet to make the big discoveries that will effectively be the modern-day equivalent of the elixir of life.
A healthy diet, a good exercise routine, and a ‘positive attitude’ are all well and good, but where is that potion of eternal life from Death Becomes Her? Where are all the Sylvester Stallones and Mel Gibsons being rejuvenated after years of cryogenic freezing? And how the hell do those waterbeds in Interstellar keep people alive for so long?
Throughout the ages, humankind has conceived life-extending ideas that have ranged from the fatal to the brilliant – in that order. Where once upon a time whole nations would pursue eternal life based on myths and legends, today scientists are discovering methods for extending our lives that actually look pretty promising.
Eternal life may be some way off, but doubling our lifespans might not be. Here is a list of ways that humankind has worked on – and continues to work on – expanding our lifespans by 30, 50 or 100 years. READ MORE-
Saturday, 1 August 2015
SPACE How did Saturn Moon Tethys get Those Weird Stripes?
NASA’s Cassini mission has been orbiting Saturn for over a decade, so you’d be forgiven in thinking that it’s seen just about every weird feature on the ringed gas giant and its fascinating system of moons. But in new observations beamed back from Cassini, icy moon Tethys has only now decided to show off its mysterious stripes.
ANALYSIS: Moon Tethys ‘Hangs’ Off Saturn’s Rings
Using clear, green, infrared and ultraviolet spectral filters, during a flyby in April, Cassini’s cameras were able to create a color-enhanced view of the 660 mile (1,060 kilometer) wide ice-encrusted moon. And that’s when mission scientists saw them — long stripes of red discoloration arcing across the surface.
Although stripes that appeared slightly red have been spotted in previous flybys, the angle between the Saturnian system, the sun and Cassini has not been ideal. But as Saturn’s northern hemisphere has been entering summer these past few years, the northern stripes on Tethys have gradually come into view and now Cassini has recorded vivid red features that at first appear to be fairly young on geological timescales.READ MORE -
Saturday, 25 July 2015
15 weird risk factors for kidney stones
Anyone who's ever passed a kidney stone before has probably wondered how something so small (usually, anyway!) can cause so much pain. Unfair, we know. About 1 in 11 people will suffer from a kidney stone in their lifetime—and once you've already had one, you're about 50 percent more likely to have another. More bad news: At one time, stones primarily affected men, but new research shows that this gender gap has almost closed, possibly due to the rise in obesity.
Most kidney stones are a solid mass of minerals that have congealed and lodged itself somewhere in your urinary tract. The majority of them are made of calcium—usually a combination of calcium and oxalate, but, in rarer cases, calcium and phosphate—and, to a much lesser extent, uric acid.
Now for the good news: With a few dietary and lifestyle tweaks, you might be able to slash your odds of ever suffering from a kidney stone again—or, even better, prevent one entirely.READ MORE -
Sunday, 19 July 2015
Saturday, 18 July 2015
Alice Anderson at the Wellcome Collection review – a weird, wired world
Wellcome Collection, London
From old TVs to obsolete telephones and even a staircase, Alice Anderson mummifies things in copper wire. It may sound banal – but it’s an art that gets some very curious and uncanny results
Bellows by Alice Anderson
Mystical and strange ... Bellows by Alice Anderson. Photograph: Wellcome Collection
Jonathan Jones
Friday 17 July 2015 15.09 BST Last modified on Saturday 18 July 2015 00.01 BST
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Their funeral wrappings glisten fierily in the spotlights that pick them out in a theatrically darkened space. All our yesterdays are here, the things we use and throw away, lost and found in spidery cocoons.
Alice Anderson wraps things in copper wire. It is a banal description of an art that gets some very curious and uncanny results.
Telephone, 2013, by Alice Anderson Facebook Twitter Pinterest
Telephone, 2013, by Alice Anderson. Photograph: Wellcome Collection
This might be in a museum a thousand years in the future, dedicated to the strange artefacts of the 21st century. Why, archaeologists will ask, did the people of that time choose to mummify their old TV screens, obsolete telephones and loudspeakers? Was it a bizarre religious attempt to apologise for the culture of waste that was at that moment eating up the planet?
An electric guitar has been swathed over and over again, the thin thread, wrapped tighter and tighter, entirely containing the instrument so you can see its shape but, up close, cannot make out its strings or fretboard. In caring for it, Anderson has muffled it. This guitar will never wail another solo. Nor will the pipe she has swaddled in copper wire ever again be smoked. This is not a pipe – it is a mummy. It is a ghost.
Anderson is hardly the first artist to have wrapped up everyday objects. Wrapping is in fact a great modern tradition. Anderson’s guitar recalls the shamanistic German sculptor Joseph Beuys who wrapped a grand piano in grey -READ MORE -
Saturday, 11 July 2015
We Need More Weird Shows, Even If They’re Not That Great
ICF's oddball Spoils of Babylon didn't seem particularly ripe for a sequel when it aired last year, but here we are: The Spoils Before Dying, a six-episode miniseries, finishes up tonight. It's overwhelmingly ridiculous, but joyfully so. I would have called it the strangest comedy of the week by a long shot — until I saw 7 Days in Hell, HBO's tennis mockumentary starring Andy Samberg. Now that's a weird comedy.
Both, in fact, are very odd, reveling in hyperspecific nonsense, style parodies, appearances by Michael Sheen and a variety of SNL alumni, and a sense that these projects are probably funnier in idea than in execution. What's the polite term for "vanity project"?
Spoils Before Dying is about a jazz musician (Michael Kenneth Williams), his boozy paramour (Kristin Wiig), and his ghost ex (Maya Rudolph). Explaining the plot overemphasizes its significance; mostly it's a lot of silly names and loopy characters. Hell is a faux documentary about a seven-day tennis match between a washed-up Aaron Williams (Andy Samberg, the white adopted brother of the Williams sisters), and a British dope (Kit Harington). Think 30 for 30, but more about its bizarre asides than its subject. Both programs have their virtues, and plenty of very funny pieces, but I'm guessing both were more enjoyable to make than they are to watch.
And yet there's something endearing about both endeavors. Maybe it's their willingness to take premises far, far past logical extremes — how exactly did we get from tennis to a computer-animated news reenactment of Samberg's naked character running from a Swedish prison, with a four-READ MORE -
Weird westerns that cross the genre border
Eight weird urban sports to try this summer
The last time I went cross-country skiing, it was along the snowy trails of St Moritz, skirting a frozen lake. Now I can say I’ve been skiing on flat tarmac in a London park. In June. Needless to say, there was no snow.
I was rollerskiing – an alternative to cross-country skiing that began as a summer training technique in the 1950s, and is now a thriving sport in its own right. It involves short skis, about half a metre long with a small wheel at each end, plus ski poles. The experts at the London Cross-Country Ski Club recommend that beginners have five lessons to build confidence, technique and stamina. I was trying to master the basics in a two-hour crash course – hopefully without too much crashing involved.
Falling over on skis is never fun, but at least on snow you have a relatively soft landing. Tarmac, on the other hand, hurts. This made me tense, wobbly and slow; while the other two beginners in my class immediately zoomed off, I barely moved. On the plus side, I had plenty of time to concentrate on the correct technique.
We shuffled about on grass to get the feel of the skis, then moved on to a path to practise “double poling” (keeping the skis parallel and using the poles to propel yourself along), “skating” (going from side to side, like ice-skating) and “classic” (a smooth forwards stride). Having watched Alison, my instructor, fly along skater-style with the grace of a gazelle, I could certainly see why the more -READ MORE -
Saturday, 4 July 2015
See the weird, trippy results of Google's DeepDream experiment
Google has been showing off the results of an artificial intelligence experiment, where photos were interpreted and edited by what the firm calls its ‘neutral network’.
It uses software called DeepDream, which has been coded to recognise faces and other patterns in images. Once it thinks it has identified a pattern, the software edits the image slightly to make it look more like that pattern, and then repeats the process across the rest of the image.
The results, as Google showed, turned run-of-the-mill photos into strange dream-like scenery and panoramas – mostly because where the software thought it had found a pattern – such as a face or building – it had morphed a scene to look like the pattern.
Trees became dogs, and landscapes had sci-fi towns and villages added to them. It all got very weird, very quickly.READ MORE -
Saturday, 27 June 2015
Partick Thistle's monobrowed mutant sun god brings new evil into the weird world of the mascot
It will have to go down as a PR open goal which was skewed horribly wide. Sunday, 21 June, 2015. Stonehenge. The air is alive with bongos and body odour. From somewhere in the distance, perhaps the car park, comes the lilting sound of a social anthropology undergraduate and virgin squeezing a three-note melody through a flute made of tree bark. The sun’s first rays settle on the wrong side of the A303, casting their sacred shadow upon the stone megaliths of Salisbury Plain and its annual dreary army of druggies, druids and dropouts.
Then, right there in that instant, was the moment for Partick Thistle to release their new mascot upon the earth, his eyes blank, arms outstretched, nose askew, angrily somnambulating out of the dawn horizon, this jagged demi-human hemisphere of solar terror.
Instead, it came 24 hours later in the form of a photo op at Firhill Stadium on the north side of Glasgow, complete with the compulsorily twee Twitter account and a press release informing -READ MORE-
Saturday, 20 June 2015
Google’s image recognising robots turned on themselves, making weird dreams that could show why humans are creative
Computers have dreams, according to Google — and they’re often highly trippy, strange ones of dog-fishes and bananas.
Google’s highly-powered, clever computers are normally used for image recognition — a technology that requires computers to think like humans, learning what things look like. But the company set them loose identifying small, subtle things, skewing the images to show a knight made of dogs or clouds that resemble a “pig snail”.
The search giant is just one of many companies who are working on artificial neural networks, which use highly-developed mathematical methods to simulate the way that human’s brains think. But by turning those computers upside down, they throw out the strange more -
Saturday, 13 June 2015
Frisbees, sandals and picnics: weird things banned by health and safety
You might not think of a postman as a particularly dangerous job. The odd vicious dog might be the biggest risk they might have to contend with.
But in Berkshire a worried postman is delaying delivery to a house on a country road because he is too afraid to cross - and the Royal Mail are backing him up.
The retired occupants say they're waiting until mid-afternoon to receive their post, when it used to come in the morning.
Health and Safety has saved thousands of lives - but it does occasionally lead to some pretty odd situations. Here are a few of the strangest Health and Safety incidents.
Watch out for the cobbles
The Royal Mail has form when it comes to slightly barmy health and safety. When residents in Bideford, Devon, complained that they weren't receiving their post, they argued it wasn't safe for postmen to travel down the cobbled street.-READ MORE-
Saturday, 23 May 2015
Gallery Gallery: The Weird And Wonderful Eurovision
Saturday, 16 May 2015
Why penises SMILE during sex and 5 more weird facts you never knew about them
Most of you probably think you know your penis quite well enough, but there are six super facts about the old chap that we bet you've never heard - and they're pretty special.BEWARE MAY CONTAIN SEXUAL CONTENT OR ITEMS WHICH MY UPSET OR OFFEND-READ MORE-
Saturday, 9 May 2015
Weird Science is 30: 15 weirdly great things about the ’80s classic

It’s the movie that answered every pubescent boy’s question: can I create my dream woman in my own bedroom?
Weird Science, released in 1985, may not be the best film directed by John Hughes, who gave us The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Uncle Buck and Planes, Trains & Automobiles, but it has retained its cult status through its mix of teenage fantasy, gross comedy and Kelly LeBrock’s far-too-tiny white T-shirt.
Here are the things that make it so weirdly great.
1. The premise
Tired of being overlooked by girls and bullied by their peers, teenage friends Gary (Anthony Michael Hall) and Wyatt (Ilan Mitchell-Smith) decide to bring a girl to them. They obviously never saw what Tom Cruise did in Risky Business.
Instead of calling a prostitute, the boys make their own woman, using little more than a computer, a doll and some electricity.READ MORE-
Sunday, 3 May 2015
Manchester police's weird call... to a goose on the loose outside the Bridgewater Hall
Police have had an usual start to the bank holiday weekend after reports of a goose on the loose.
The @GMPCityCentre account told of the bizarre tales this morning, with Inspector Phil Spurgeon letting followers know about the unusual cases - involving a goose and a lunchtime mix-up.
He tweeted: “Call 10am today to Bridgewater Hall about ‘goose on the loose.’ We sent our finest...”
The tweet was accompanied by a pictu
re of three rubber ducks in police uniform.
Saturday, 18 April 2015
8 Weird, Gross Things That Girls Do That Guys Find Absolutely Adorable
Human beings, as a species, are pretty gross. For this reason, we must learn to pick and choose our battles. Whether it is at home, around our family or in college with our roommates, I’m sure, by now, you’ve encountered your fair share of gross habits.
When it comes to our girlfriends, however, for some odd reason, some of these same gross habits can also come off as cute to us. We’re all human at the end of the day, and we’re definitely not the cleanest ourselves.
At the end of the day, our love for our ladies usually will outweigh even the grossest habits they may have, but it doesn’t mean we’re not aware of them.
Here are eight gross things girls do that guys find cute, in a weird way.
1. When you drop food down your shirt and still eat it.
Don’t get me wrong; in theory, eating food that drops out of your mouth and onto your bosoms probably isn’t the most sanitary maneuver -READ MORE-
Sunday, 12 April 2015
World’s first head transplant volunteer could experience something "worse than death”
This week, 30-year-old Russian man, Valery Spiridonov, announced that he will become the subject of the first human head transplant ever performed, saying he volunteers to have his head removed and installed on another person’s body.
If this sounds like some kind of sick joke, we’re right there with you, but unfortunately, this is all too real. Earlier this year, Italian surgeon Sergio Canavero outlined the transplant technique he intends to follow in the journal Surgical Neurology International, and said he planned to launch the project at the annual conference of the American Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons (AANOS) in the US in June, where he will invite other researchers to join him in his head transplant dream.
At the time, it sounded completely outlandish - and it still is - but the difference now is that Canavero actually has a living, breathing volunteer willing to be the guinea pig for what Christopher Hootan at The Independent says is predicted to be a 36-hour operation requiring the assistance of 150 doctors and nurses. You can read about the procedure here.
Hootan brings home what’s really at stake for Spiridonov - it’s not just death he has to worry about:
"A Werdnig-Hoffman disease sufferer with rapidly declining health, Spiridonov is willing to take a punt on this very experimental surgery and you can't really blame -READ MORE-
10 Extremely Weird Religions
nd homosexuality.
Nuwaubianism is an umbrella term used to refer to the doctrines and teachings of the followers of Dwight York. The Nuwaubians originated as a Black Muslim group in New York in the 1970s, and have gone through many changes since. Eventually, the group established a headquarters in Putnam County, Georgia in 1993, which they have since abandoned. York is now in prison after having been convicted on money laundering and child molestation charges, but Nuwaubianism endures. York developed Nuwaubianism by drawing on a wide range of sources which include Theosophy-derived New Age movements such as Astara as well as the Rosicrucians, Freemasonry, the Shriners, the Moorish Science Temple of America, the revisionist Christianity & Islam and the Qadiani cult of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the numerology of Rashad Khalifa, and the ancient astronaut theories of Zecharia Sitchin. White people are said in one Nuwaubian myth to have been originally created as a race of killers to serve blacks as a slave army, but this plan went awry. Here is a list of some of the more unusual Nuwaubian beliefs:
1. It is important to bury the afterbirth so that Satan does not use it to make a duplicate of the recently-born child
2. Furthermore, some aborted fetuses survive their abortion to live in the sewers, where they are being gathered and organized to take over the world
3. People were once perfectly symmetrical and ambidextrous, but then a meteorite struck Earth and tilted its axis causing handedness and shifting the heart off-center in the chest
4. Each of us has seven clones living in different parts of the world
5. Women existed for many generations before they invented men through genetic manipulation
6. Homo sapiens is the result of cloning experiments that were done on Mars using Homo erectus
7. Nikola Tesla came from the planet Venus
8. The Illuminati have nurtured a child, Satan’s son, who was born on 6 June 1966 at the Dakota House on 72nd Street in New York to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis of the Rothschild/Kennedy families. The Pope was present at the birth and performed necromantic ceremonies. The child was raised by former U.S. president Richard Nixon and now lives in Belgium, where it is hooked up bodily to a computer called “The Beast 3M” or “3666.”
2. Furthermore, some aborted fetuses survive their abortion to live in the sewers, where they are being gathered and organized to take over the world
3. People were once perfectly symmetrical and ambidextrous, but then a meteorite struck Earth and tilted its axis causing handedness and shifting the heart off-center in the chest
4. Each of us has seven clones living in different parts of the world
5. Women existed for many generations before they invented men through genetic manipulation
6. Homo sapiens is the result of cloning experiments that were done on Mars using Homo erectus
7. Nikola Tesla came from the planet Venus
8. The Illuminati have nurtured a child, Satan’s son, who was born on 6 June 1966 at the Dakota House on 72nd Street in New York to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis of the Rothschild/Kennedy families. The Pope was present at the birth and performed necromantic ceremonies. The child was raised by former U.S. president Richard Nixon and now lives in Belgium, where it is hooked up bodily to a computer called “The Beast 3M” or “3666.”
The Nuwaubians built a city modelled on Ancient Egyptian buildings in Putnam County, Georgia (pictured above). It has now been demolished.
Text is available under the ; additional terms may apply. Text is derived from Wikipedia.READ MORE-
Saturday, 11 April 2015
Photos: The weird, wild world of Edward Snowden art tributes
Two monuments to Edward Snowden appeared in New York this week. The first was a giant 100-lb, four-foot high bust glued to a column in a Brooklyn park overnight. Conceived by two anonymous street artists who worked with an also unnamed West coast sculptor, the feat was documented by arts and culture blog, Animal New York.
Almost as soon as the Parks Department removed the unsanctioned effigy later that day, another group of guerrilla -READ MORE-

Saturday, 28 March 2015
Weird News Stories Of The Week: Top Five Strange Stories
There was a lot of news you may have missed this week, so we thought we'd round up some of the stranger stuff for you. Here's the five weirdest articles we published:
1. Disability summit slammed for not being wheelchair accessible
An events company booked to organise the Australian National Disability Summit in Melbourne made a fairly critical mistake - they forget to make it disabled-friendly.One mobility-impaired speaker had to be carried to the stage because no ramp had been provided and she was unable to traverse the four large steps to the podium, and an accessible toilet was being used to store chairs.
As if that wasn't bad enough, they only had enough space for seven disabled visitors to the annual conference, and food was served on a table too high for wheelchair users to reach.
2. Woman charged for allegedly squirting breastmilk at police officer
A woman from Calista, Perth, was being strip searched by a female officer at a police station when she supposedly reached for her breast and squirted milk at the officer.
She was charged with assault after dousing the officer's forehead, arms and clothing.
3. People in a village in Kazakhstan are falling asleep for days and no one knows why
For a full year people in the remote village of Kalachi have been falling into a deep sleep for no apparent reason, sometimes for as long as six days.READ MORE -
This weird giant shrimp-like predator prowled our oceans long before the dinosaurs arrived
Long before the first dinosaur or even this giant killer newt, a weird shrimp-like creature prowled the oceans with unusual toothed claws.
It resembles an enormous silverfish - wingless household insects that feed on clothing and wallpaper - and sheds light on the origins of spiders, crabs and beetles.
It's called the Yawunik kootenayi and lived more than 500 million years ago.
The weird predator, measuring several inches, had long frontal appendages resembling the antennae of modern beetles or shrimps, but which bore toothed claws.Researcher Cedric Aria, from the University of Toronto, Canada, said: "This creature is expanding our perspective on the anatomy and predatory habits of the first arthropods, the group to which spiders and lobsters belong.
"It has the signature features of an arthropod with its external skeleton, segmented body and jointed appendages, but lacks certain advanced traits present in groups that survived until the present day. We say that it belongs to the 'stem' of arthropods."
Yawunik was able to move its claws backwards and forwards, spreading them out for an attack and then retracting them under its body when swimming.READ MORE -
Cross your fingers and swear: weird ways to end pain
scientists have discovered that crossing your fingers isn’t just for good luck, but can help alleviate pain.
A UCL study published in the science journal Current Biology found that feelings of a pain in the finger disappeared when one digit was crossed over another, suggesting that the simple action can confuse the way the brain processes sensation.
Just as optical illusions can trick the mind into misreading an image, there are various techniques that create sensory illusions and help reduce perceptions of pain. Here are a few other surprising methods to end pain.Swear
Bad language is a remarkably good at easing pain, according to a study published in the journal NeuroReport.
Researchers tested how long college students could keep their hands immersed in cold water, with some students repeating a neutral word and others repeatedly swearing. The volunteers reported less pain while swearing and kept their hand submerged for an average 40 seconds longer.
"Swearing is such a common response to pain that there has to be an underlying reason why we do it," says psychologist Richard Stephens of Keele University, who led the study. "I would advise people, if they hurt themselves, to swear.”-READ MORE-
Saturday, 21 March 2015
Weird science: The Apple Watch may already be killing you!
You should see the Macalope's biceps right now. He's totally ripped from all the tables he had to flip because of this piece in the New York Times by Nick Bilton.
"The Health Concerns in Wearable Tech"
Well, Macalope, you say, that's not so bad. What's the problem with noting the health concerns of wearable tech?
Yeah, well, here's the original headline:
"Could Wearable Computers Be as Harmful as Cigarettes?"
AAAAAAAGH! [runs and jumps out of window to save self from deadly lung-cancer-causing wristwatch]
Come on, New York Times. We prefer our scare-mongering, link-baiting headlines to come from Forbes or Business Insider. In other words, places where we can safely isolate unrepentant the goofballs and jerkweeds who write these things so they can not affect the population at large with their bizarre fringe theories.
Bilton opens by ominously mentioning how the tobacco industry used to use doctors to advertise their products around the middle of the previous century. We all know that's wrong now, right? Well, it's kind of awesome in its audacity, but completely wrong in its cavalier attitude toward, oh, killing millions of people by -READ MORE-
Saturday, 14 March 2015
If you use a dustbin in MUMBAI,INDIA you may get a shock.Manly if the bin is a mobile robotic dustbin ,1,500 pounds,move around and ask people if they have anything want to throw away.
In BRAZIL capital BRASILIA 31 elite solders-presidential guard-are recovering after being struck by lighting.
The Weird Things Actors Do In EVERY Movie
Have you ever noticed how Jason Statham strips to the waist in every movie he makes? You can’t blame him, the Stath looks good with his top off and he knows it.
He’s not the only actor with a predictable trademark though. Mark Strong always wears a wig, Hugh Jackman rarely uses his native accent, and Sylvester Stallone invariably ends up punching someone in every film he’s in.
- Disney In-Jokes That Will Blow You Away
- Highest-Paid Comic Book Actors Ever
- Things That Were Only Cool In The Matrix
However, some actors have unusual acting tics that you probably never noticed… until now.READ MORE AND SEE VIDEOS AND PHOTOS-
Apocalypse Weird brings authors and fans a shared world of pain
Writing can be hard – not hard like mining diamonds in Zimbabwe or making cheap clothes for westerners in Bangladesh, of course, but anyone in the 21st-century knowledge economy who wants to write a novel must have some kind of masochistic streak. Word processors have taken some of the strain out of editing and publishing, but there’s no app to automate the hard slog of getting 100,000 words down on paper in something resembling a coherent narrative. And the work doesn’t stop there for SFF writers, who have to construct an entire fictional world to support their stories.
Enter the Apocalypse Weird, stage right. If any group of authors can find a way to collaborate on telling stories it’s those rebellious indie authors, authors who have already broken all the rules of publishing by stealing the ebook market out from under the industry. While writers may not be able to collaborate on individual books, they can work together to create the fictional “shared world” those books happen within, the world of Apocalypse Weird.
Think of an apocalypse, and Apocalypse Weird has it covered. Zombies? Yes of course. There’ s clearly a little inspiration from The Walking Dead here, but Apocalypse Weird takes things much further. Cannibal hordes, cities sinking beneath the waves, genetic mutants, electric fog, frozen arctic winds and gojira-READ MORE-
Sunday, 8 March 2015
Why I stopped all the clocks in Swansea
A week ago, 72-year-old David Mitchell clocked off from the only job he has ever known. As usual, he drove between Swansea’s grand old municipal buildings, scaling up ladders with the dexterity of a man half his age, and setting the time on the clock faces which residents of Wales’s second city have for centuries set their watches by.
The last stop – as always – was the imposing Portland stone tower of the city’s Guildhall. When he finished, he slipped quietly out of the door and drove home to his wife. It was around 7pm, but the clock said midnight. Time has stood still ever since.
The man whose family have proudly been the official clock-watchers of Swansea for the past 60 years has now become responsible for turning them off. For the past seven days, every landmark clock in the city has stayed stuck at midnight or midday – depending on which way you look at it.
In an exclusive interview with the Telegraph, after what he admits has been a week of “madness”, Mr Mitchell says he felt forced to make his stand against council cutbacks threatening Swansea’s heritage. As a result, the former Rotary Club president with the bling gold jewellery and British Horological Institute pin in his -READ MORE-
Saturday, 28 February 2015
Fungus plays 'biomusic' duet
A duet for slime mould and piano will be premiered at an arts festival this weekend, giving new meaning to the term "culture".
Festival director and musician Eduardo Miranda has put the decomposition into composition: his new work uses cultures of the fungus Physarum polycephalum.
This mould is the core component of an interactive biocomputer, which receives sound signals and sends back responses.
The result is a musical duet between the fungus and Prof Miranda, on piano.
"The composition, Biocomputer Music, evolves as an interaction between me as a human playing the piano, and the Physarum machine," Prof Miranda told the BBC's Inside Science programme.
"I play something, the system listens, plays something back, and then I respond, and so on."
The Physarum mould forms a living, evolving electronic component in a circuit that processes sounds picked up by a microphone trained on the piano.
As Ed Braund, a PhD student in the Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research at Plymouth University explains, tubules formed by Physarum have the electrical property of acting like a memristor, a variable resistor that changes its resistance in response to previously applied more -
Saturday, 14 February 2015
Why do men I meet online keep asking me for weird sex?
Dear Eva,
After several years in a committed partnership that failed, I have found myself dating again – and it feels like I’ve walked back into some parallel universe where I don’t understand the rules anymore. I went on a date with a guy recently and we spent a lovely day together, came back to my house and started making out. It was then he expressed a desire for me to spit on his face.
This is not an isolated incident with an isolated person; again and again, I seem to be encountering men who request sexual acts I would politely regard as ‘specialist’ far sooner into meeting them than I would expect. Am I just meeting jerks because I’m dating over the internet, or is this a thing?
Hey, you.
You say you’re dating again for the first time in a while. A long hiatus can make it feel like any attention is good attention, but you seem to have already learned firsthand: that’s not the case. So let me tell you straight up: you just need to get better at screening them out, if being spit on is not your thing.
If the measure of success at online dating is never having a horrible first date with a jerk, then I am very successful at it. (If the measure of success at online dating is -READ MORE-
Saturday, 10 January 2015
A Nazi-Era Cattle Breed, Just as Awful as Expected
And UK farmer Derek Gow confirmed that suspicion the hard way, as his Hitler-era Heck cows proved so aggressive that he ended up sending more than half of them to the sausage factory.
The ill-conceived venture began back in 2009, when Gow imported a dozen of the so-called Nazi cows from Belgium, a strain of cattle stepping hoof onto British soil for the first time in 200 years. At the time Gow dubbed the move part of his larger conservation efforts to protect disappearing species (he also lends shelter to beavers, polecats, and voles).
“They look like cave paintings of Lascaux and Altamira. It makes you think of the light of a tallow lamp and these huge bulls on these cave paintings leaping out at you from darkened walls.” Gow admiringly told the Telegraph at the time.
But that’s hardly all that the cattle evoke. This particular breed dates back to the 1920s, when German zoologists and brothers Heinz and Lutz Heck, recruited by the Nazis, began a program to resurrect extinct wild species by cross-breeding various domestic descendants — an effort typically referred to as “back breeding.” Among their success stories was the half-ton Heck cattle, a reasonable facsimile of the hearty and Herculean auroch cattle that dated back some 2 million years prior and has roamed en masse all over Germany centuries prior.
The back-breeding program reflected the dual Nazi obsession with eugenics and nostalgia.
The back-breeding program reflected the dual Nazi obsession with eugenics and nostalgia; the wild ancestry of the auroch reflected a time of “biological unity” before civilization softened and “uglified” man and beast alike. And in fact, the program’s research patron, one Hermann Goring, sought to preserve biological unity not only by resurrecting extinct species, but by restoring them to their original habitats; thus his plan was to return the aurochs to the primeval Białowieża forest.
Is anyone really surprised that the cows turned out to be -READ LINK- INFO READ WITH LINKHeck cattle are a hardy breed of domestic cattle. These cattle are the result of an attempt to breed back the extinct aurochs from modern aurochs-derived cattle in the 1920s and 1930s. Controversy revolves around methodology and success of the program.[1]There are considerable differences between Heck cattle and the aurochs. Furthermore, there are other cattle breeds which resemble their wild ancestors at least as much as Heck cattle.[2]-Heck cattle originated in Germany in the 1920s and 1930s in an attempt to breed back domestic cattle to their ancestral form: theaurochs (Bos primigenius primigenius).[3] In the first years of the Weimar Republic, the brothers Heinz and Lutz Heck independently started their extensive breeding-back programmes.[4] Heinz was the director of the Hellabrunn Zoological Gardens in Munich andLutz of the Berlin Zoological Gardens. Only twelve respectively eleven years later, just as the Weimar Republic was drawing to a close, they each announced their success.[5][6] Both brothers used a different selection of cattle breeds in their breeding-back attempts. For example, Lutz Heck (Berlin) used Spanish fighting bulls, while Heinz (Munich) did not.[2] The Berlin breed seemingly did not survive the Second World War, so all modern Heck cattle go back to the experiments of Heinz Heck in Munich.[2] Those ancestral breeds include:
- Hungarian Grey Cattle
- Highland Cattle
- Corsican Cattle
- Murnau-Werdenfels Cattle
- Angeln cattle
- Black-pied lowland cattle
- White Park Cattle
- Brown Swiss
In 1932, the first bull that Heinz Heck believed to resemble the aurochs, named ″Glachl″, was born. It was a 75% Corsican and 25% (Gray cattle × Lowland × Highland × Angeln) cross individual. This bull and its father subsequently were bred into further breeds to increase weight.[2] As a consequence, most modern Heck cattle go back to Central European milk- and meat cattle that were supplemented by cattle from other regions.[7] Advocates of Heck cattle often claim that Heinz′ and Lutz′ breeding results looked largely identically ″proving the success″ of their experiment. However, Berlin and Munich Heck cattle did not look very similar.[2]
In the German Zoo Duisburg, one Watussi cattle cow, which is a half-zebuine breed, was crossed with a Heck bull. Some modern Heck cattle, mainly those displaying large and thick horns, descend from this crossbred offspring. In some locations, primitive Southern European cattle, such as Sayaguesa Cattle and Chianina, have been crossed into Heck cattle herds aiming to approach the aurochs in phenotypical characters. This cross-breed is called Taurus cattle, which is not to be confused with the TaurOs Project (see below).[2]-LINK-
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