Saturday, 27 September 2014
Mystery surrounds bent plane trail photographed over Southsea
Teacher Florence Lehmann spotted the plane’s trail, which resembles a ditch, as she left her home in Southsea, Hampshire at around 7:20am on Monday.
Miss Lehmann said: "It's really weird. It looks like the pilot sneezed or fell asleep. Somebody said a UFO had been spotted recently in the area and the pilot had tried to avoid it, which I quite like the sound of.
"There was no wind this morning and the plane actually moved trajectory."
A spokeswoman for Nats, the air traffic control company, said she was unable to explain why the plane had apparently changed direction.-READ MORE-http://www.independent.co.uk/news/weird-news/mystery-surrounds-bent-plane-trail-photographed-over-southsea-9749747.html
The weird afterlife of the world's subterranean 'ghost stations'
In 1920, construction began on what was to become an important new transportation system for Cincinnati, Ohio. Local voters had given near-unanimous support to a $6m (£3.7m) municipal bond, and despite wartime restrictions and shortages, the project began. Little did the city’s officials know that the system they were building would never carry a single passenger.
Five years later, the money had run out, the federal government refused to help and construction was halted. Today, there is an entire six-mile subway system abandoned underneath the Cincinnati streets.
Though Cincinnati’s empty subway is an extreme example, it’s part of a global phenomenon that’s actually quite common. Underground travel has become a familiar routine for millions of urban dwellers, but most commuters are unaware that lurking on the other side of the walls are the remains of abandoned stations, slowly deteriorating. Known as “ghost stations”, they are silent but powerful reminders of forgotten history.
Tom Moran, editor of the website Urban Ghosts and an expert on abandoned stations, says: “For me, what makes abandoned subways more compelling than other subterranean infrastructure is the fact that they were built to cater for large crowds of people – unlike sewers and utility tunnels – and thus contain all the necessary features of a public space, from fire escapes to ornate signage and advertising on the walls. It’s that missing human element that makes them more eerie.”
In the west, many stations were abandoned due to the boom and bust cycles of capitalist markets; in former or current communist countries, ghost stations are symbols of the excesses of authoritarianism. But their histories remain local. Though no longer part of the daily lives of people, each abandoned station is firmly rooted in its city’s past – and may yet become part of their city’s -READ MORE-http://www.theguardian.com/cities/2014/sep/25/-sp-world-subterranean-ghost-stations-tube-abandoned-underground
Sunday, 21 September 2014
A story about a goldfish named George who had life saving surgery to cut out a brain tumor at cost of 125 dollars ,the fish is well.
Saturday, 20 September 2014
Anselm Kiefer, black Victorians and the weird world of Cosplay – the week in art
Exhibition of the week
Anselm Kiefer
The most anticipated exhibition of the year. Kiefer is a true great.
• Royal Academy, London W1J, from 27 September until 14 December
The most anticipated exhibition of the year. Kiefer is a true great.
• Royal Academy, London W1J, from 27 September until 14 December
Other exhibitions this week
Roman Ostia
Departing from its usual exclusive focus on modern Italian art, the Estorick shows archaeological treasures from ancient Rome’s port, Ostia. (Plus some modern Italian art.)
• Estorick Collection, London N1, from 24 September until 21 December
Departing from its usual exclusive focus on modern Italian art, the Estorick shows archaeological treasures from ancient Rome’s port, Ostia. (Plus some modern Italian art.)
• Estorick Collection, London N1, from 24 September until 21 December
KP Brehmer
An artistic critique of capitalism. Looks like fun.
• Raven Row, London E1, from 25 September until 30 November
An artistic critique of capitalism. Looks like fun.
• Raven Row, London E1, from 25 September until 30 November
Clare Woods
The winner of this year’s Wakelin Award exhibits paintings rooted in Welsh landscapes.
• National Waterfront Museum, Swansea, until 4 October
The winner of this year’s Wakelin Award exhibits paintings rooted in Welsh landscapes.
• National Waterfront Museum, Swansea, until 4 October
The Art of Golf
Celebrate or recover with images of Scotland’s national game, or just soothe yourself among this gallery’s permanent treasures.
• Scottish National Gallery, Edinburgh, until 26 October-READ MORE-http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2014/sep/19/anselm-kiefer-black-victorians-portraits-cosplay-week-in-art
Celebrate or recover with images of Scotland’s national game, or just soothe yourself among this gallery’s permanent treasures.
• Scottish National Gallery, Edinburgh, until 26 October-READ MORE-http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2014/sep/19/anselm-kiefer-black-victorians-portraits-cosplay-week-in-art
Weird and wonderful scarecrows on show
A VILLAGE has become home to a host of characters thanks to crafty residents.
More than 30 weird and wonderful scarecrows have been created in Easington Village as part of a competition.
An astronaut, teddy bears picnic, Britannia and a giant wooden robot have all been put on display by people hoping to win a prize.
Organiser Alice Morton arranged the colourful competition for the second year, and said she is pleased with the response.
“I wanted to organise it because I thought if I don’t do it, then no one will,” she said.
“It is a way to get the whole community together and getting crafty.
“We’ve got a Humpty Dumpty, Little Miss Muffet, a builder and a genie, to name a few.”
Alice, 18, who is due to start a degree at Leeds Metropolitan University next week, has also organised a scarecrow awards fair, which will take place tomorrow.
Everyone who has entered the scarecrow competition will win a prize, and those who attend will get a chance to see pictures of the entries.
A judging panel will decide who wins which prizes, and there will also be entertainment for all the family, including a bouncy castle-READ MORE-.http://www.sunderlandecho.com/news/local/all-news/weird-and-wonderful-scarecrows-on-show-1-6851310
Saturday, 13 September 2014
Quantum control: How weird do you want it?
Entanglement used to be the gold standard of the quantum world's weirdness, now a new and noisy phenomenon could give us all the benefits with less of the fuss
RAYMOND LAFLAMME works in a magnificent-looking building. The Quantum-Nano Centre on the University of Waterloo campus in Ontario, Canada, boasts an exterior whose alternating strips of reflecting and transparent glass are designed as metaphors for the mysterious nature of the quantum world. Inside, it is even more impressive. Its labs are so well isolated from the outside world that an earthquake will barely move their floors. No electric or magnetic fields can get in where they aren't wanted, and the temperature is controlled to within a single degree. That's especially impressive, considering that human beings bring their hot bodies into the centre to perform experiments at temperatures close to absolute zero.
What a shame, then, if all this cutting-edge engineering proves ...
To continue reading this article, subscribe to receive access to all of newscientist.com, including 20 years of archive content.-READ MORE
Saturday, 6 September 2014
Dendrogramma,Weird creatures may be relics from dawn of animal life
What is agreed is that Dendrogramma belongs somewhere in the very lowest branches of the animal evolutionary tree. But whether it is a stingless jellyfish, a comb jelly
or even part of a group of enigmatic organisms that most researchers
think went extinct half a billion years ago remains up for debate.
"The specimens of Dendrogramma are very intriguing, and raise nearly as many questions as they answer," says Guy Narbonne at Queens University in Ontario, Canada, who researches those enigmatic organisms, called the Ediacaran biota.
Two species of Dendrogramma have so
far been discovered. They were found in 1986 by Jean Just at the
Natural History Museum of Denmark in Copenhagen and his colleagues, on
the seafloor off south-east Australia at depths of 400 and 1000 metres.
The animals were dead by the time they reached the surface, but their
bodies were quickly submerged in formaldehyde to keep them intact.
They resemble mushrooms, with a disc on
top and a stalk protruding downwards from the centre (see photo). They
are very small, the discs averaging 11 millimetres across and the stalks
8 millimetres long for the nine known specimens of Dendrogramma enigmatica. The second species – Dendrogramma discoides – is slightly larger: its disc is 17 mm across and sits on a 4.5 mm-tall stalk.
Simple creatures
There are no obvious sex organs in the
specimens, no nervous system and no apparent means by which the disc
could be flexed to enable movement. Unsurprisingly, then, placing them
on a known branch of the animal kingdom has proved a bit tricky. Some
things are clear, however. Because they don't have any obvious bilateral
symmetry – unlike most animals – the two Dendrogramma species
must sit on one of the lowest branches in the animal evolutionary tree,
occupied by the few animals that lack this symmetry. This means they
probably have affinities with very simple marine animals – but which
"Dendrogramma lack the immediately recognisable character- READ MORE-http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn26156-weird-creatures-may-be-relics-from-dawn-of-animal-life.html#.VAsCCKMXN5g-ALSO IN -http://strangeanimalsaghostman.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/new-species-found-in-deep-sea.html
Great Dane devours 43 socks in one sitting
Vets who performed emergency surgery on a “miserable” Great Dane who
could not stop retching found the cause of the animal's suffering to be
the 43 socks it had eaten.
After two hours of surgery, Dr. Ashley Magee retrieved all 43 socks from the 140-pound (64-kg) Dane.
"We see some very strange things, but this is by far the most socks we've ever pulled out of an animal," Ms Harch said after X-ray images of the dog's belly won third place in a veterinary industry competition called ‘They ate WHAT?’The canine appeared to have penchant for coloured socks in smaller sizes, according to images of the retrieved items.
The Dane was beaten to the top spot by an X-ray of Kermit the frog who had eaten more than 30 small ornamental rocks from his owner’s garden. The rocks were safely removed and Kermit went on to make a full recovery, according to Veterinary Practice News.
Marley, a male German shorthaired pointer, won second place with an X-ray of his stomach after he devoured a shish kebab – and the skewer.
"His owners wish to remain anonymous," she added. "But they are getting a kick out of the award.
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